The Sun: Finally, it’s eclipse time, and I get to see you! Because I’ve been waiting all year just to tell you how much I miss and love you. Thank goodness for this moment we can share.
The Moon: Oh, my love, I’ve been waiting for you too. Give me your hand, I miss touching you so much. Every day apart has only made my love for you grow stronger. I couldn’t wait to see your bright, lovely face again.
The Sun: It’s time to sing for you with my handmade harp the song “Your touch always cools my burning heat.”
The Moon: Oh! Your voice touches my soul. I can feel your powerful love. I wonder why people think being away from your beloved weakens love. Don’t they know that love and longing grow stronger with separation? Read more
The story text will be printed and attached to this sun and moon handmade dolls.
Those sun and moon handmade dolls are crafted from:
- Organic cotton.
- Organic color solution.
- Organic glue.
- Oil paint colors.
- Special materials.
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